Logo and Web Design Bundle
Ready to launch your business? Be the brand that catches everyone's eye. This branding bundle lets you stand out above the rest. $6K and you're on your way. Check out what's included below.
What’s included:
Receive up to 6 initial options of your logo after discussing your vision for your brand, your story and your goal.
Colors and logo edits are discussed while narrowing down your visual brand to reflect what you want. 2-3 round of edits are included
Once the design is complete, you’ll receive all of the following:
Your new logo in color AND in black & white
Your new logo in all needed layouts, formats and file types
Your brand sheet including a guideline for your fonts and color designations
Primary Color Selection
Add-ons and Options for your new brand design:
Design Elements to correspond with your brand (i.e., digital patterns, backgrounds, wallpaper, etc.) (+$150 each)
Logo elements (parts or corresponding designs based from your logo design to be extracted for extra use on websites, marketing pieces, email signatures, etc.) to correspond with your brand(+$150, includes up to 3 additional logo elements)
Secondary color palette(+$150)
Custom Social Media icons. (+$250 /set)
Brand Messaging: Think elevator pitch! This Includes brand value proposition, mission statement, brand mantra/promise, buzzwords, brand story, brand extensions/headlines and potential tagline (price TBD)
What’s included:
Up to 3 initial home page and 1 sub page design options to choose from
Consultation on page navigation and website flow to match your ideas and vision for your brand/company
Content/Photos provided by Client OR Stock images can be purchased if needed, paid for by the client (Additional design with any graphics will be completed by Dry Ink Designs)
A test site will be available for viewing before launch.
SEO will be completed on the site
Website will reflect your visual brand standard logo, design and colors as detailed in your brand and logo sheet
Mobile and Tablet friendly design
Upon Completion, you will receive all of the following:
You will have a fully functioning 5-7 page website that reflect your company’s brand
After final design is completed, you will have one monthof FREE updates/ changes to site
Access to back end of website can be given if you wish to make your own updates after design is complete Design changes can be made moving forward billed at $125/hour
You will have access to the blog, email marketing and application
Price does not include annual hosting – additional $400 per year
Price does not include domain – Access to your current or new domain will need to be granted upon the start of the design process
Price does not include website text and/or brand/company messaging
Additions to website design can included:
Additional website pages (starting at +$250 per page)
Email Marketing –This will be designed using the Wix format and includes one opt in on the footer or header and one pop-in option (+$450)
Current Email Contacts Transfer, ie., MailChimp, Constant Contact, etc. (price TBD)
Branded Email Templates for Email Marketing (price TBD on design)
Messaging: Website text and brand messaging (+$150/per page, including up to 3 edits)
Additional opt-ins (pop ups to gather email addresses)
Blog Page Set-Up Creation (price TBD on content and design)
Online Application (+$150 plus annual hosting fee)
Online Store (price TBD for set up & design, plus cost of e-commerce hosting through website)
Don’t need both? Contact us for a price quote to get exactly what YOU need. Mandi@dryinkdesigns.com